About Commission Actions

Types of Commission Actions

Click below for detailed information about what each action means for an ACEN program seeking initial or continuing accreditation.

Stipulations: Conditions, Warning, and Good Cause

Nursing programs must demonstrate compliance with the Accreditation Standards in order to be accredited by the ACEN.

Continuing accreditation with conditions
When the ACEN Board of Commissioners determines that a nursing program is non-compliant with one or two Accreditation Standards, the ACEN Board of Commissioners may grant a nursing program continuing accreditation with conditions for up to the maximum monitoring period for the program type.

Continuing accreditation with warning
When the ACEN Board of Commissioners determines that a nursing program is non-compliant with three or more Accreditation Standards, the ACEN Board of Commissioners may grant a nursing program continuing accreditation with warning for up to the maximum monitoring period for the program type.

Continuing accreditation for good cause

  1. The ACEN Board of Commissioners can extend a nursing program’s continuing accreditation for good cause if the ACEN Board of Commissioners determines the program satisfies all the following principles:
    1. The nursing program has demonstrated significant recent accomplishments in addressing non-compliance.
    2. The nursing program has documented that it has the potential to remedy all deficiencies within the extended period as defined by the commission; that is, that the program provides evidence which makes it reasonable for the ACEN Board of Commissioners to determine it will remedy all deficiencies within the extended time defined by the commission.
    3. The nursing program provides assurance to the ACEN Board of Commissioners that it is not aware of any other reasons, other than those identified by the commission, why the accreditation of the nursing program could not be continued for good cause.
  1. The nursing program has the responsibility for making its case for good cause. To demonstrate good cause, the Chief Executive Officer of the governing organization and the nurse administrator of the nursing program must attest that the program satisfies all three principles for good cause. The request must be received by the ACEN Chief Executive Officer before the next ACEN Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

The program’s next review and follow-up action(s) are determined by the Board of Commissioners.

Commission Action Definitions

Continuing Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in compliance with all Accreditation Standards.

Continuing Accreditation with Conditions: A measure imposed by the ACEN Board of Commissioners following the determination of non-compliance with one (1) or two (2) Accreditation Standards. Next review and follow-up action(s) are determined by the Board of Commissioners.

Continuing Accreditation with Warning: A measure imposed by the ACEN Board of Commissioners following the determination of non-compliance with three (3) or more Accreditation Standards. Next review and follow-up action(s) are determined by the Board of Commissioners.

Continuing Accreditation for Good Cause: A measure imposed by the ACEN Board of Commissioners following the determination that a nursing program has not remedied deficiencies at the conclusion of its maximum monitoring period and the program has (a) has demonstrated significant recent accomplishments in addressing ; (b) has documented that it has the potential to remedy all deficiencies within the extended period as defined by the Commission; that is, that the program provides evidence which makes it reasonable for the Commission to determine it will remedy all deficiencies within the extended time defined by the Commission; and (c) provides assurance to the Commission that it is not aware of any other reasons, other than those identified by the Commission, why the nursing program could not be continued for good cause.

Denied Initial Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in non-compliance with one or more Accreditation Standard.

Denied Continuing Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program on conditions, warning, or for good cause is found to be in continued non-compliance with any Accreditation Standard. Thereafter the nursing program is removed from the listings of accredited programs.

Focused Visit: A site visit authorized by the ACEN Board of Commissioners to review significant accreditation-related information disclosed about a program as a result of:

A substantive change;

Information revealed about a program between periods of scheduled review;

Information received from the governing organization’s accrediting body related to an adverse action;

Information received from the program’s state regulatory agency for nursing related to a change in its status;

Information revealed by a program during the Evaluation Review Panel process;

Information received from the U.S. Department of Education regarding a program’s compliance responsibilities under Title IV of the Higher Education Act such as information related to a program’s most recent student loan default rates, the results of financial or compliance audits, program reviews, and any other information that may be provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

Follow-up Report: A report prepared by a program addressing the Standard(s) for which the nursing program was found to be in non-compliance during the program’s previous review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners.

Follow-up Visit: A site visit authorized by the ACEN Board of Commissioners to review significant accreditation-related information for which the nursing program was found to be in non-compliance during the program’s previous review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners.

Initial Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in compliance with all Accreditation Standards.

Remove the Conditions Status and Grant Continuing Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in compliance with the Accreditation Standard(s) that the program was found to be in non-compliance during the program’s previous review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners.

Remove the Good Cause Status and Grant Continuing Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in compliance with the Accreditation Standards that the program was found to be in non-compliance during the program’s previous review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners.

Remove the Warning Status and Grant Continuing Accreditation: A determination by the ACEN Board of Commissioners that a nursing program is in compliance with the Accreditation Standard(s) that the program was found to be in non-compliance during the program’s previous review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners.

Substantive Change Report: A report submitted by an accredited program informing the ACEN of a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of a nursing program and/or nursing education unit.

Verification Visit: An onsite visit to examine physical facilities and confirm the enrollment of students following a 100% virtual visit.